Combine Harvester
The combine harvester, abbreviated as combine, is an essential and complex mechanical equipment designed for the efficient harvesting of large-scale grains. Modern combine can easily cut plenty of grain crops as it can cover an area more than 40 feet wide. A combine harvester is also called combine because it performs three tasks of harvest simultaneously - harvesting, threshing, and winnowing. The head of the Combine Harvester is specially designed to cut the grain of corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorbet, flax, sunflower, and canola easily from the standing crop.
Now, let's know about what is reaping, threshing and winnowing?
Reaping - In the process of reaping, a combine harvester cuts the crops from the yield field.
Threshing - In the process of threshing, a combine harvester separates the seeds from stalks.
Winnowing - In the process of threshing, a combine harvester removes chaff from the stored grain and produces high-quality grain.
Now, How many types of combine harvesters are available in the market?
1. Self-propelled combine harvesters
2. Track combine harvesters (without the wheel)
3. Tractor mounted combine harvesters
Self-propelled combine harvesters
It is a fully automatic combine harvester, it performs all the harvesting process by itself, it does not require any external power or engine.
Track combine harvesters (without the wheel)
This type of Combine Harvester does not have a wheel. It uses a track wheel to move from one place to another, with the help of which it can work easily in sandy, bumpy junk, and marshy ground.
Tractor mounted combine harvesters
This type of harvester requires a separate tractor to work because it does not have any type of engine, so it works only by mount with the tractor.
Importance of combine Harvester
Harvesting crops is an important task that requires accurately adapted approaches and machinery to maintain crop quality. Therefore, several elements must be considered in order to increase costs and maximize the benefits.
Today, in areas, where it is very difficult to get or find laborers, the Combine Harvester is an important machine for harvesting crops. It is worth noticing how important it is for a farmer to choose a combine to earn the maximum benefits from the crop. But it is equally important for a farmer to carefully examine the ability of the container to gather grain, not only towards the power of its engine, but also the type of threshing gear, when choosing a combine.
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