Combine Harvester The combine harvester, abbreviated as combine, is an essential and complex mechanical equipment designed for the efficient harvesting of large-scale grains. Modern combine can easily cut plenty of grain crops as it can cover an area more than 40 feet wide. A combine harvester is also called combine because it performs three tasks of harvest simultaneously - harvesting, threshing, and winnowing. The head of the Combine Harvester is specially designed to cut the grain of corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorbet, flax, sunflower, and canola easily from the standing crop. Now, let's know about what is reaping, threshing and winnowing? Reaping - In the process of reaping, a combine harvester cuts the crops from the yield field. Threshing - In the process of threshing, a combine harvester separates the seeds from stalks. Winnowing - In the process of threshing, a combine harvester removes chaff from the stored grain and produces high-quality grain. Now, How man...
The combine harvester, abbreviated as combine, is an essential and complex mechanical equipment designed for the efficient harvesting of large-scale grains. Combine Harvester is specially designed to cut the grain of corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, rye, barley, sorbet, flax, sunflower, and canola easily from the standing crop.